مرصد صيني يكتشف 100 توهج للضوء الأبيض من الشمس اتحاد المعاهد الثقافية الأوروبية في مصر يستضيف اليوم "معرض صبأرت" ثقافة السلام والمقاومة والاستشهاد في الأدب الفلسطيني المعاصر السقا ورسالة حب لكريم المصريون على موعد لمشاهدة كوكب عطارد بالعين وتصويره في السماء أكاديميون من جامعة الشارقة: البشر سيحتاجون لثروات 3 كواكب أخرى بحلول 2050 حمزة بن دلّاج.. قصة أخطر مخترق جزائري في العالم المقاطعة.. الداعم الأول للاقتصاد المصري
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The Quest for Happiness – Reem Basyouni

It's quite inconceivable for one to dwell upon their past sorrows, conflicts, hardships, and sufferings without realizing that there's always a way out or relief, no matter how long it might take. If there were a profound maturity in human thought and consciousness, it would be logical for one to search for the elements of happiness

"Daddy Long-Legs" by Jean Webster

Wisdom sometimes emanates from mouths that have starved and been denied the basic pleasures of life, as if fate has been stingy with them in comparison to what it has bestowed upon others, leading to disparities and the capriciousness of destiny. The title "Daddy Long-Legs" carries a lot of mystery, secrecy, and overall

The Bamboo Stalk by Saud Alsanousi

For expatriation from the homeland, there are endless hopes and aspirations that do not stop at its geographical borders, and these hopes do not recognize the long distances that the expatriate travels away from his homeland, imagining deep within himself that what he reaps in material and perhaps social gains can make him forget his pains or

Searching for Lost Time by the author: Marcel Proust

Do not imagine, dear reader, that the novel of this article is readable, near or far. Its pages exceed four thousand written in seven volumes with a total of a million and a half words and about two thousand characters, between a main and pivotal character or secondary. It is a result of a dialogue with the mind, retrieving memories and

I read for you "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo.

When he reached the age of fifty, Victor Hugo became a political refugee, causing much concern, confusion, and doubt within the French government due to his writings about freedom, state laws, and the power of those who deviate from them. The French government requested the Belgian government to deport him, and he was transferred by a ship to

Zorba... by the Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis

On the beach of the Greek island of Crete, Nikos was born in February 1883 AD and lived like the heroes of his great novel. He never missed a chance to visit a place, live there for a while, and seize any opportunity that arose. After receiving his primary education on the island, he earned a law degree from the University of Athens, then